Patient safety

Moorfields is committed to caring for patients, by providing a safe environment and safe treatment, to reduce avoidable harm. NHS best practice is followed to identify and reduce any risks for harm during their stay and care at Moorfields.

How we do that

Reporting: Staff report any incidents, which are investigated and actions taken to avoid future problems, and risk assessments are undertaken to prevent harm before it occurs.

Legislation: We follow legislation and best practice concerning the handling of medical devices, managing medications, and health and safety rules.

Infection control: We have strict measures to minimise the risk of developing an infection as a complication of surgery or during attendance at our outpatient clinics, and have excellent and extremely low rates of all hospital acquired infections. 

Protecting patients: We take our duty to support and protect any particularly vulnerable group of patients such as children and adults with dementia or reduced capacity very seriously. As a hospital, we handle a great deal of confidential patient information and take every step to ensure we treat all patient information securely and keep it private.

Duty of Candour: Despite the best of efforts, sometimes things can go wrong during ophthalmic care. We are committed to the Duty of Candour and, if something goes wrong or there is a complication from the care we have provided, we will make every effort to provide an explanation to patients, to apologise even if there is no “mistake”, undertake an investigation and take actions to prevent future problems for other patients.

Reporting:  Below we have provided a series of links to documents and reports which allow you to find out more about the different measures we take in relation to our quality of care at Moorfields.



Last updated: 30th April 2020