Retinal therapy unit frequently asked questions

Where can I find information about specific conditions?

Information about several of the more common eye conditions is available on our website. Simply click on the drop down menu on the homepage and click on the condition you’re interested in. For some conditions, you’ll also be able download patient information leaflets about specific conditions. We’ll be adding information about further eye conditions in future.

Please call the communications team on 020 7566 2628 if you would like any of our patient information literature in an alternative format such as a plain word document, large print or Braille, and we will arrange this for you.

Which consultants work in the retinal therapy unit?

We are still collating this information - it should be available soon.

In which locations do you provide this service?

The retinal therapy team is based at our main hospital in City Road in central London.  Increasingly, we are able to offer intravitreal injection services in many  of our satellites, meaning that patients can receive regular treatment closer to where they live or work.  Please check with staff in the retinal therapy unit whether you could receive your care elsewhere if this would be more convenient for you.