Tell us what you think

We use a range of mechanisms to find out what our patients think of our services and to make improvements in response.

Friends and Family test

The Friends and Family test is a simple and effective way of understanding patient satisfaction with our services.  Patients are asked to mark on a card how likely they are to recommend Moorfields to a friend or relative on a scale ranging from ‘extremely likely’ to ‘extremely unlikely’ and, if they wish, to give us their reasons. 

If you have visited Moorfields in the past two days as a patient and would like to take part in the Friends and family test, please click here.

Scores are calculated by subtracting the number of ‘detractors’ (those who would not recommend us) from the number of ‘promoters’ (those who would) and can be used as a benchmark against future progress, or as a comparator between clinics or wards. 

Results of the Friends and Family score are published nationally on NHS UK for our A&E department, observation bay and our two inpatient areas, but we also use the test in all other areas to monitor performance and make improvements.

Patient advice and liaison service and complaints

Moorfields’ patient advice and liaison service (PALS) provides confidential advice and support to help you sort out any concerns you may have about the care we provide, guiding you through the different services available at Moorfields.  The PALS team can also advise you on how to make a complaint.  You can contact them on 020 7566 2324 or 020 7566 2325, or by emailing


You can post comments about Moorfields’ services on the national NHS UK website.  We always try to respond to feedback on NHS UK, but it can be difficult for us to answer concerns fully in this way, especially if they are about specific issues.  The best way to get a full response is to contact our PALS team.

National surveys

We participate in the CQC NHS Urgent Care and Children and Young People’s surveys and the NHS England Cancer Patient Experience Survey.  If you are sent a questionnaire as part of one of these surveys, please try to complete and return it so that we can learn from your experiences and make improvements as necessary in future.

Last updated: 14th August 2020