News articles

An ambition to give sight to blind children

Lloyd's insurance entrepreneur and currently the Crown Representative at the Cabinet-Office for insurance, Michael Wade, is planning to fulfil a lifetime's ambition to conduct an orchestra, and simultaneously raise money to develop a pioneering treatment for children born with a blinding condition.

Vacancy for a Moorfields patient governor

Are you interested in becoming a Moorfields patient governor?

Opening the doors on the science behind new treatments at Moorfields

Open day at the NIHR clinical research facility at Moorfields Eye Hospital on Tuesday 20 May 2014.

Moorfields doctor helps introduce a new type of surgery in Armenia

Moorfields medic joins international team of doctors to perform first ever surgical treatments for ROP in Armenia.

Ten years as a foundation trust

Moorfields celebrated 10 years as a foundation trust in April 2014.

Focusing on you: welcome to Moorfields at Croydon

Moorfields will be providing all eye care services at Croydon University Hospital and Purley War Memorial Hospital from Tuesday 1 April.

Moorfields consultants open up eye debate in Asia

Moorfields consultants are taking a leading role at the first Ophthalmology Futures Asian Forum in Japan next week.

Moorfields staff celebrate Healthcare Science Week

Don’t rule out science technology and engineering as a career say Moorfields healthcare scientists.
