Moorfields ranks highly in league table

Moorfields has ranked at number 24 out of 230 NHS health providers in a new league table published by the Department of Health. The "learning from mistakes league" also identified Moorfields as "good".

Trusts and foundation trusts were ranked on reporting procedures, security of staff reporting and the percentage of staff who feel able to contribute towards improvements. High figures for negative issues such as bullying or harassment and poor National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) reporting were also taken into consideration.

Eighteen providers were listed as outstanding, 102 were good, 78 gave cause for significant concern and 32 were identified as having a poor reporting culture. 

Mike Durkin, national patient safety director at NHS England said: "By letting trusts know how well they are doing compared with their peers, we want to start a conversation involving clinicians, managers and supporters of the NHS about what we can all do to make all parts of the NHS as safe as they can be."

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