World Sight Day 2015 at Moorfields

World Sight Day is an annual awareness event that focuses on raising attention on blindness and vision impairment.

Moorfields is showing support by hosting an information event in the main entrance at City Road. Representatives from the Keratoconus Society, Retina Pigmentosa Fighting Blindness, RNIB and Internal Glaucoma Association, Moorfields Lions Eye Bank will be present and the Friends of Moorfields will also be providing information about their grants and volunteer programmes.

Moorfields Eye Charity will have a stall to inform patients, staff and visitors about the transformational impact philanthropic support can have Moorfields and explain the different ways people can get involved. Visitors will also be encouraged to sign up to Eye to Eye 2016 – a walk to raise vital funds for the hospital – and will have the chance to win up to £5,000 in a prize raffle. Costa, near the main entrance at City Road, is marking the occasion by donating all takings for the day to the charity. In 2014, the event raised £2,400 and the Costa team hopes to raise even more this year.

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