Our performance

Performance information is published annually in our annual report and accounts, while progress against quality indicators focusing on patient experience, clinical effectiveness and patient safety is reviewed in our annual quality report. These documents can be downloaded from the corporate publications section of the website

We also regularly report our performance against a range of measures published each month in our Integrated Performance Report (IPR) which is presented to the trust board. This IPR includes metrics covering;

  • operational activity (including referral to treatment, accident & emergency, cancer, clinic management and cancellations),
  • quality and safety (including infection control, patient safety and patient experience)
  • workforce (including mandatory training, sickness, vacancies, recruitment and turnover)
  • research (including various project recruitment measures)
  • finance (including financial management and use of resources)

In addition to the reporting of performance against target in red/amber/green format, the IPR also contains a Remedial Action Plan page for each performance indicator not achieving target. This provides assurance to the trust board that the organisation is positively responding to any performance issues.

We also ensure that all of the metrics used in the report align both with the trusts eight strategic objectives as well as the domains used by our external regulator, the Care Quality Commission.

The latest monthly IPR can be found on the right hand side of this page or alternatively within the board meeting papers.

 Waiting times image

Key performance metrics - September 2018

Performance measure Performance result National target
A&E four hour performance 99.4% performance achieved 95% national target
18 week referral to treatment (RTT) incomplete performance 93.9% performance achieved 92% national target
Cancer 2 week waits from an urgent GP referral 100% performance achieved 93% national target

Last updated: 29th October 2018